British Beekeepers Association – The BBKA represents 25000 hobbyist beekeepers, working to raise standards in beekeeping. The BBKA also helps to promote the understanding and importance of honeybees.

Asian Hornet Action Team – We are asking everyone to be vigilant in looking out for this alien species, the Asian Hornet, Vespa velutina. This hornet could decimate our pollinators including our honey bees and it’s important to have everyone actively looking for it.

Lancashire Beekeepers

Cumbria Beekeepers

Furness Beekeepers

Beebase – Beebase is the National Bee Unit’s (NBU) website. It provides beekeepers with a wealth of information on bee pests and diseases, as well as advice on good husbandry.

Bumble Bee Conservation – The Bumblebee Conservation Trust has a vision to create a world where bumblebees are able to thrive and are valued. Their mission is to increase the number and distribution of bumblebees. 

Bees for Development – Bees for Development is a global charity making life better with bees. The charity promotes sustainable beekeeping to combat poverty, build resilient livelihoods and benefit biodiversity.

Bees AbroadBees Abroad is a charity working to enable communities to empower themselves, through sustainable beekeeping – Lancaster based supplier that gives a 10% discount to the club itself

Harrogate & Ripon Beekeepers Association

Manchester Beekeepers